Unity in diversity
All languages dance the same dance. For FL learners the mother tongue is the mother of all languages.Ethnographers and anthropologists have entertainedus with amusing
Teaching grammar bilingually
“In my teenage foreign language work, mother tongue was the semantic bedrock that all my explorations built up from. How had I managed to
Inside foreign language classrooms
I. The monolingual approach: the view from the pupil’s desk The mother tongue taboo – still the didactical correctness in many countries of the
Something of myself
>> Download full text (PDF, 0,98MB) Rising from dogmatic slumbers How I changed my mind and started using the mother tongue in the foreign
Prof. Dr. paed. Wolfgang Butzkamm an der Johannes-Gutenberg-Realschule in Hiltrup Foto mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Münsterschen Zeitung. Zum Artikel: ‘Lust zum Englisch-Lernen: Realschule will